Connecting Your Church to the Persecuted Church
An Open Doors Philippines Church and Missions Mobilization Initiative
ONE CHURCH is a missions mobilization initiative of Open Doors Philippines to connect the churches here in the Philippines to the global Persecuted Church. Through regular, exclusive, and ready-made (audio-visual) materials, ONE CHURCH will help you and your church to stand in solidarity with Persecuted Christians worldwide. Imagine a one stop-shop on the latest resources you need about the Persecuted Church that you can easily share to your members, congregation, assemblies, or discipleship/small groups!
In our experience, as a ministry serving the Persecuted Church for more than six decades now, each time we expose ourselves to the courage and testimonies of our brothers and sisters who have faced persecution and yet pressed on for the sake of the Gospel, we would always find our own faith inspired, our ministry lives challenged, and our freedom to worship God even more appreciated.
This is what ONE CHURCH is all about: that as we, the ‘free’ church, know deeper about, learn from, and support the Persecuted Church, they, in return, inspire and challenge us to be even braver and make the most of every opportunity to serve Christ like never before, as the Scriptures tell us to be prepared in and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2), in freedom or restriction.
Above all, ONE CHURCH anchors in Jesus’ call for His body to be ONE: If ONE part suffers, every part suffers with it. If ONE part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now YOU are the Body of Christ, and each ONE of you is a part of it (I Corinthians 12:26-27).
How does it work?
Every two months through global campaigns, as we focus on different regions and parts of the world where extreme persecution exist, you will receive a ONE CHURCH PACK with exclusive resources to help you share in your church. This includes:
A link to be sent to your registered email add to download:
- A ready-made power point presentation
- High resolution testimony videos
- Digital copy of the Prayer Magazine and Calendar
- And other digital campaign-related materials
Printed materials to be sent to your registered mailing (church/home) address:
- 12 copies Prayer Magazine and Calendar*
- 12 copies Response Form* for your members as you present
- Campaign Poster
*Additional copies may be requested but for a printing fee depending on # of copies.
Is this free?
YES! We will also shoulder the courier fees.
But we encourage you, as the Lord leads, to make a special offering for the Persecuted Church each time you share and/or use these materials. You may also encourage your individual members or your leadership/missions board to consider giving and supporting Open Doors Philippines financially on a regular/monthly basis, not only so we can continue producing these materials, but more so to support the needs of Persecuted Christians.
Every when should I expect the Pack?
2024 Campaign Name/Working Title
Campaign Month/s
Expect materials by
Persecuted Women
India (Hindu-background believers)
Secret Believers
Arise Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
International Day of Prayer
International Day of Prayer
Persecuted Children (Bangladesh, Central Asia)
2025 World Watch List
Top 50 Countries
January 2025
Are we required to show/use everything once we receive the PACK?
We encourage you to do so as much as possible as a ONE CHUCH subscriber. We hope that the materials will supplement and compliment your journey as a church (sermon series, prayer meeting, etc.) as you get know and learn from the suffering part of Christ’s body. It also means sharing about the Persecuted Church at least once a month. But you may also invite Open Doors Philippines to visit, speak, or display a booth in your church!
When and how do I start?
Click on the Subscribe button below to register or contact an Open Doors Philippines representative through:
- E-mail:
- Viber: 0998-8830821
- Or SMS your information to: 0998-8830821
Once we receive your filled-up Subscription Form, Open Doors Philippines will contact you ASAP to begin your ONE CHURCH journey.
What is Open Doors?
Open Doors is an international ministry serving Persecuted Christians worldwide. We started in 1955 through a man named “Brother Andrew” from the Netherlands, more famous as “God’s Smuggler”, as he smuggled Bibles and Christian literature behind the “Iron Curtain” to strengthen the faith of Christians in Eastern Europe who were then under and being persecuted by Communist rule.
Our founding verse is Revelation 3:2, “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die”. Today, Open Doors serves the Persecuted Church in almost 70 countries through Bible and literature distribution, trainings, socio-economic development, international advocacy, resource development, church mobilization, and intercession.