Story Morocco | 28 July 2024

Secret believer through good times and bad!


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Recently, Open Doors partners and ministry workers in various regions across North Africa have witnessed a notable surge in conversions to Christianity, especially among youth. Some of these converts are drawn by simple curiosity to explore the teachings of the gospel, while others are influenced by the testimony of friends who have embraced Christianity. Many of these converts rely on the internet to seek information about Christianity, driven by a genuine desire to find the right path to God.

However, persecution across North Africa presents a formidable challenge. The opposition and hostility faced by these potential converts often impede their educational and professional pursuits. Persecuted converts require increased support and assistance to continue their studies and advance in their careers. Those who lose their jobs or struggle to secure employment need help to establish small projects to sustain themselves. Addressing these challenges, among others, necessitates heightened prayer and encouragement. Consequently, many converts feel compelled to keep their faith concealed to avoid further persecution and societal backlash.

Converts like Elmahdi.

Elmahdi lives in Casablanca, Morocco. He used to be a devout Muslim, but now follows Jesus—and is facing an involuntary divorce. He shares three children, two daughters and a son, with his ex-wife. At one time, Elmahdi envisioned a life of happiness with his beloved wife, and never desired separation.

As a young man, he had the opportunity to delve into the teachings of the Bible, deeply moved by the divine commandments and the extraordinary life of Christ. His encounter with Christianity, facilitated by Facebook, marked a pivotal turning point in his life. Driven by a blend of curiosity and a quest for truth, Elmahdi sought answers, ultimately finding solace in Christ. His conversion to Christianity culminated in baptism, solidifying his unwavering faith and love for Jesus.

With each passing day, Elmahdi's devotion to Jesus continues to strengthen. Since 2019, he has actively participated in ministry work in Casablanca. And despite the challenges he faces, Elmahdi remains steadfast in his faith, finding solace and purpose in his relationship with Christ.

At home, Elmahdi faced significant challenges. He refrained from sharing his newfound faith with his wife, anticipating her reaction due to her strict adherence to Islam, as well as her family's devout beliefs. Aware that revealing his Christian faith could lead to conflict and family pressure, Elmahdi chose to conceal his religious convictions.

Each time he attended church, Elmahdi fabricated excuses to explain his absence to his wife, fearing her suspicions and potential accusations of infidelity. Eventually, the strained dynamic prompted his wife to scrutinize his actions and monitor his phone activity closely. Eventually, she stumbled upon chat messages with fellow church members and discovered Christian materials, including the Bible and hymns, on his device—and realized that her husband had converted to Christianity.

At first, she refrained from immediate confrontation, opting instead to alter her behavior towards Elmahdi. She encouraged him to participate in Islamic religious activities, such as prayers and fasting during Ramadan, or attending Quran reading sessions at her brother's home. However, Elmahdi consistently found excuses to avoid these events, leading to mounting tension.

Ultimately, she confronted Elmahdi with her suspicions, prompting him to confess his faith in Christ without denial. Elmahdi clarified that his religious beliefs were deeply personal and emphasized that he harbored no intentions of imposing his beliefs on her or compelling her to convert. He expressed his profound love for her and his desire to preserve their marriage, emphasizing her importance as the woman he had chosen to spend his life with.

As a traditional Muslim woman, she asserted that she couldn't cohabit with an individual of a different faith under the same roof. She presented Elmahdi with an ultimatum: revert to Islam or divorce.

She promptly confided in her father, divulging the details of Elmahdi's conversion. Soon the two of them—his wife and father-in-law—initiated legal proceedings, filing for divorce and petitioning for her to gain custody of their children. Under Moroccan law, the woman typically receives support in such cases. If the husband converts to a different religion and doesn't revert to Islam, divorce proceedings often go forward in his absence. Following the divorce, custody of the children typically defaults to the mother.

However, Elmahdi's situation is uncommon because he is prohibited from seeing his children, deprived of spending any time with them. This is Elmahdi's current reality. Since 2022, he has grappled with this incredibly difficult sitation. At times, he finds himself tormented by thoughts of reverting to Islam due to his longing and affection for his children and manipulated by the Enemy. He has received substantial support and daily interaction from the church he joined in 2019.

However, Elmahdi's unwavering faith, love and reliance on Christ serve as a shield against succumbing to these temptations. Though the consequences are so hard, Elmahdi understands that his commitment to Christ transcends his familial ties and responsibilities. In following the path of Christ (Matt. 16:24), Elmahdi recognizes the call to forsake his own desires and submit entirely to the Lord's will. Elmahdi recognizes that obedience requires a willingness to relinquish his own desires and endure hardships for the sake of his faith.

We urgently request your prayers for Elmahdi to remain steadfast in his faith and that he would be reunited with his sons. Additionally, please pray for comfort and peace for Elmahdi during this challenging time.

please pray

We urgently request your prayers for Elmahdi to remain steadfast in his faith and that he would be reunited with his sons. Additionally, please pray for comfort and peace for Elmahdi during this challenging time.


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Every PHP 1,500 provides a Bible each for 5 secret believers, to strengthen their faith even in isolation.

Every PHP 3,250 provides a livelihood for a secret believer for his/her long term and sustainable financial support.

Every PHP 5,000 provides discipleship trainings and resources to 10 secret believers